Alzheimer’s Can Happen at Any Age!

A Power Point Presentation that focuses on raising awareness that Alzheimer’s is a neurological brain disease and not a normal part of aging. Suitable for nursing home staff, caregivers, Alzheimer’s staff and volunteers, civic organizations, and people who want to know more about dementia.


  • Define dementia and Alzheimer’s with a focus on Alzheimer’s as a disease and not a normal part of aging.
  • Discuss how early onset dementia affects the person with the disease, the primary caregiver, and the family.
  • Promote awareness of the prevalence and social-economic impact of early onset dementia.


  • The Sedalia Alzheimer’s Support Group, Sedalia, MO
  • August 14, 2008, Alzheimer’s Educational Symposium — Fort Smith AR., Sedalia, MO

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